Thursday 30 April 2015

Our Widget Story Plan

We are learning to plan our writing. This week we are writing a story about the widgets on our class blog. Kevin gave us this plan to help us plan our story.

The instructions were:

  1. Look on our class blog
  2. Pick one of our widget pets to write about.  You could choose the fish, George the Dog or Taz the Tasmanian Devil.
  3. Fill in the writing plan below it will help you write your story.

Authors name:

Story Title:

Introduction.: Who, what, where is this story about?

Action: What happens? Is there a problem, fun or adventure?

End: How does your story end? Do you solve the problem? What happened in the adventure.

When we finish our story plan we make a copy of the plan and edit to make a good story that has sentences and punctuation. 

When we are happy with our story we will publish it using the

Click the link below to read and hear the story the class wrote with Kevin to practice using the Widget Plan. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Edgewater 3
    Great start to your story I cant wait to read all the adventures :)
